Friday, Oct 11, 2024

The Great NYC Cawfee Hunt: Remi Flower and Coffee

The Great NYC Cawfee Hunt: Remi Flower and Coffee

Remi Flower and Coffee is exactly the type of place that you would hope to find in any romantic comedy about New York City. It’s the type of place where a man would be buying flowers for his wife and bump into the future love of his life as she [or he] carefully carries an artistic and warm latte over to the brightly lit window seat. It is one of the best Flower an Coffee Shop Nyc.

Selling flowers and coffee in a one stop shop doesn’t always immediately feel like it would work. But it does, and it does so brilliantly.

The entry way of Remi Flower and Cafe features a variety of plants
Remi Flower and Cafe is one of the most calming coffee places in the City That Never Sleeps

Remi Flower and Coffee: Plant Ho Paradise.

Plant moms have been taking over my Instagram feed as of late. I didn’t really get the hype. I’m very much the Casey Anthony of plant moms; they never seem to thrive, or even live long under my care. Becoming a plant parent to me was a declaration of desperate loneliness. When I stepped into Remi Cafe, the appeal of owning many plants finally clicked.

A photo of the collection of plants inside Remi Flower and Coffee cafe.
A very peaceful place to stand around and wait for your coffee

The lush greenery of the dozens of plants and flowers populating the store instantly conjured memories of walking through Costa Rican jungles. There was something soothing about being among so much quiet nature indoors. It felt calming to walk among the tapestry of variation – small, potted, cacti next to blooming, billowing, bouquets of rainbow flowers — all strung together with fairy lights, naturally. The rain falling steadily outside seemed only to bring the plants to life. The magnitude of variation and the amount of greenery made me realize that plants very much are alive and joyful to be among, and not some obstacle to get in my way within my modest sized apartment.

Remi Flower and Coffee Nyc
How whimsical!

Choices and Service.

I really enjoy the calm stillness within Remi. Nobody was snap happy with their camera despite the popularity of photos on Instagram. People seemed to meander thoughtfully around the store while waiting for their brew or bouquet. Conversations were joyful, yet soft. The aesthetics certainly encourage a peaceful awe and happiness.

The Remi Flower and Coffee staff is even tempered, prompt, and generally fully of smiles. The amount of choices for tea or coffee is dizzying like i had at Bibble and Sip. You might end up rattling off something random yet familiar — I chose the lavender latte. The coffee is definitely no bullshit, I was getting the jitters only a few sips in. It was exactly like a flat white: not sugary and over sweet, but not bitter to the point of causing acid reflux.

Two cups of coffee with colorful latte art and floral petals.
Floral coffees for the win.

It was indeed an exceptional cup of coffee. However, I could have done without the teaspoon of actual lavender petals on top of the truly beautiful latte art. The floral taste was waaayyyy to earthy and overpowering. I spent a good chunk of time picking them off of my tongue and teeth. They were more of an annoyance than anything else.

A close up of the purple latte art of a lavender latte.
Magnificent latte art and great coffee overall, could have done without the actual lavender to the side.

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