Charleston Must-Sees: Outside of Downtown.
My husband and I left the center of the city and spent an entire day visiting some wonderful sites that really helped me to see why there is so much hype surrounding this coastal city. I was only able to appreciate the infamous “charm of Charleston” once I left the city proper. It was amidst the towering, weeping trees and tea bushes and pink flower petals cascading around me that I said, “OK — maybe there is something to this place.”

Angel Oak Tree.
Angel Oak tree is a towering, expansive, almost unimaginable tree that looks entirely like it once belonged on the set of a Harry Potter film. The tree is over sixty feet tall and offers magnificent views from every possible angle. It’s almost mythical looking and it’s possible that the Keebler elves live inside. The giant oak tree is said to be between three hundred and four hundred years old, and considering Charleston’s revolutionary history, it’s always fun to imagine who might have stood in awe at its mighty branches all that time ago.

Do keep in mind that you’re not allowed to be a basic bitch here. Meaning, keep your blankets, tripods, French picnic baskets, and other photo props away from this living history, please. That’s not my suggestion, it’s the rules. Also, this tree isn’t your drunk hook up, so please respect it by refraining from climbing, mounting, and sitting on it. Angel Oak tree is free for everyone to enjoy, but check the website for updated hours.

Charleston Tea Garden.
This remarkable operation is much beloved by my husband, myself, and senior citizens the world over. On the day we visited this Charleston must-see, no one under sixty-five could be found anywhere, but everyone was super nice. Plus, I have more in common with seniors than I do with my fellow millennials, so it’s fine.

This is the only tea garden in North America. If you’re at all interested in tea, even if you’ve only ever had one sip you’ll really enjoy your time here. The ‘factory’ tour where you can see the process of taking the tea from its plant stage to the stuff you actually sip is free. I’ll be honest, I still don’t really understand the nuances of the process. That involves, like, science and engineering. But, it was cool to see all of the actual equipment used. If you’re like me, there are thankfully giant televisions at each stop on the tour that demonstrate what each part of the process looks like.

Afterward, guests are more than welcome to sample all of the teas on hand inside of the gift shop. Try hot, try iced, try sweet, try unsweetened, try them ALL! If you’re anything like us you’ll wind up buying a bunch of boxes.

The True Charleston Must-See Here: The Tea Fields Themselves.
For a little more money, travelers can take the trolley tour to see the thousands of tea plants that go on for miles and miles. The trolley driver is very pleasant and gives everyone a sample of the hand and body lotion made from their tea plants. He’s SO damn charming that I actually bought a bottle. The tour is scenic and relaxing. It’s interesting to see how the operation cares for the plants. The owner of the tea garden narrates the tour in conjunction with the driver. On a beautiful sunny day, the tour is even more lovely. Guests get to visit the greenhouse where the newest tea plants are making their way into the world.

Afterwards, come back inside for more samples and sit on the rocking chairs overlooking the vast tea fields. Don’t forget to snap a photo with Waddy the Frog who always looks like he’s ready to steal your girl.
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