Monday, Mar 10, 2025

Montreal Science Centre-All you need to know in 2021

Montreal Science Centre-All you need to know in 2021

Typically, I’m not particularly interested in science. Sure, I respect it and I value the brilliant and hard working members of the scientific community. Science is pretty interesting and important. But I wouldn’t call it a passion of mine. So then, how did the Montreal Science Centre ensnare my heart SO much that I practically whined like a child (while traveling with my actual child) decreeing, “please! Five more minutes!” when it was time to leave?

Keep reading to find out…

Montreal Science Centre-All you need to know in 2021
Examining the parts of a spider even though it had me fairly squeamish!
Montreal Science Centre
Seeing creepy, crawly, creatures up close!

Montreal Science Center – It’s Interactive!

How many babies do you know want to stare at medieval art galleries or impressionist works? I’d wager absolutely zero. So many of the exhibits at the Montreal Science Centre are interactive which is a huge plus when traveling with little ones. Even if they don’t understand the concepts yet, their little brains are buzzing from all of the stimulation and already making connections in their brains!

Learning all about robots

You and your family will use most if not all of your senses to learn about ecology, body systems, and the environment. The exhibits change at the science centre, but the place usually keeps a variety of different areas of science so each member of the family is sure to find something of interest. 

A really interesting exhibit! It measures your heartbeat and correlates the beat to a series of songs. The tempo is determined by your mood as evidence by the rate of your heartbeat.

In the first exhibit that we saw (one involving spiders, blech) we were able to color our very own spider, slide it under and projector, and watch it crawl around on the wall! Afterward, we stood in a “spider pit” and were able to stomp around which sent the spiders scurrying depending on where we stepped. For me, it was cathartic (I hate spiders) for my three month old son, it was a lesson in cause and effect. 

Montreal Science Museum
We ‘helped’ Henry draw his own spider and then slid it under a projector. Afterward, we watched it scurry up the wall!

Montreal Science Museum -It Has Variety!

I wholeheartedly promise that one thing that you will never be at the Montreal Science Centre is bored. There are enough exhibits that you might even need two days to see everything. While walking around I couldn’t believe the sheer number of things to see — so many concepts in science were represented. From mental health, to life in the womb, to weather systems, electricity, and gravity you’ll be eager to try and see it all. 

The variety of exhibits at the Montreal Science Centre is astonishing! This giant sphere shows guests what it’s like to be inside of the womb. (My son’s home only three months prior LOL)

It’s Entertaining!

Have you ever wanted to edit and star in your own film? How about use bits and bobs to create a wild invention? What about using artificial intelligence to make robots dance!? Visiting the Montreal Science Centre is less like a museum and much more a place to have unlimited amounts of creative fun. For children who are so used to having to follow rules or to always, ‘be on their best behavior’, here, they can do what comes naturally to kids — explore, invent, run, and be as loud as they want!

Macho Macho Man!

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