Wednesday, Feb 26, 2025

Franklin Institute – A Must Visit for Kids!

Franklin Institute – A Must Visit for Kids!

The Franklin Institute of Philadelphia is a MUST VISIT when you’re traveling with children. Little ones are naturally curious (and full of energy…and unpredictable) and this place is ready for ALL of that! Here are the reasons our family intends to keep going back for years to come!

1. It’s Hands On.

If you’re a small child, the idea of looking at a bunch of old paintings or cool sculptures that you can’t touch is pretty much akin to torture. I learned that the hard way bringing my two year old to an art museum. 

Our son enjoying turning this little wheel that he found

It’s only been since we had him that I’m totally embraced visiting science centers. The Franklin Institute by far and away is one of the best. Children are able to turn handles and cranks to better understand electricity, dip their hands in water, push buttons, and more. No need to worry about stiff, cranky, museum attendants scowling and scolding your kids here! 

Learning about currents

If your children are older, they’ll understand that each lever and button is used to illustrate a greater concept. For little ones, just pushing and touching things is fun enough, even if they don’t understand the scientific principle demonstrated yet. But rest assured, they’re still learning! When your toddler presses on a switch and sees something lighting up as a response, they’re learning all about cause and effect! 

Hands on activities are a WIN for toddlers!

2. It’s Educational. 

Not only are the exhibits and events here entertaining and interesting, everyone learns when they visit the Franklin Institute. Many of the exhibits show how rather difficult concepts work such as the whirs and gears in a clock or how platelets in the blood function in the human body. The unique interactive way that each exhibit is showcased makes learning effortless and easy. 

Using bean bags to assess risk of heart disease

3. It’s Fun. 

Although I respect science greatly, I’m not typically interested in it, and even I had a remarkable time at the Franklin Institute. They use really awesome hands on activities to help making complex topics easier to understand. For instance, we were able to walk inside and around a giant heart in order to physically see the parts of this very important muscle and how they work together. 

Walking around and exploring a gigantic heart

One of the coolest parts is that multiple times a day there are live dissections! Visitors have the chance to get up close and watch as the eyeballs and organs of animals are pulled apart while a lecturer explains what guests are seeing at every stage of the dissection. 

A live dissection of a sheep’s heart!

4. The Staff is Amazing.

Every museum attendant that we encountered was up of the upmost spirits and sported a huge smile. Employees are super eager to be helpful and one even made sure that we made it to the family changing room when we felt lost. The fact that the staff understands that the majority of their clients are families and children means that they’re seen it all and are patient and gracious towards each guest. 

Hanging out with all of the old-time locomotives

5. It’s Sensory Friendly.

Do you have a child that is on the Autism Spectrum? Perhaps he or she has a sensory disorder or just is easily overwhelmed? The Franklin Institute has truly gone above and beyond for families in these circumstances. 

To start, the website offers the chance for families to download ‘sensory alert maps.’ It tells you which pieces of each exhibit rank high, medium, and low in terms of being overwhelming and in each area of the five senses. The photo of the chart below can help you better understand the concept. 

Courtesy: Franklin Institute

In addition, families can request a ‘sensory backpack’ at the Information Desk. It includes fidgets, noise cancelling headphones, and sunglasses. 

Learning how tornadoes form!

Just a little “lagniappe” as they say in New Orleans — the website for the Franklin Institute is chock full of educational resources. Their blog and videos are genuinely interesting and there’s even a piece detailing the connection between Ben Franklin and electricity.

Don’t forget to snap a photo with Ben Franklin at the end of your visit!

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