Wednesday, Mar 26, 2025

The Best Parts Of Having a Destination Wedding

The Best Parts Of Having a Destination Wedding

For anyone who is an avid traveler, the idea of exchanging nuptials in a far-flung corner of the earth is most desirable. After looking at the hefty price tags attached to the venues in places like New York – the option of a destination wedding can seem all the more appealing. 

Exchanging kisses anywhere we can on our wedding day!

As soon as my husband, Arthur and I began planning our wedding, it made sense to us (albeit not always to others) to have a destination wedding. After looking at heaps of potential countries and possible locations, we settled on an all-inclusive resort in Mexico. As a result, I really think Mexico is the best in the business when it comes to all-inclusive packages. 

Nervously anticipating the wedding ceremony. Now Sapphire did a fantastic job with this tropical bouquet.


We received a lot of pressure, mostly from my family to have a “normal wedding.” There were a lot of people who could not travel to Mexico, and I was told over and over to consider them. I tried, but at the end of the day, I could not have the lavish New York wedding of others’ dreams. For reference, weddings in New York cost upwards of $25,000. Shocked? I’m serious! It is not at all unusual for couples in New York to go into debt in order to pay 45-100 thousand dollars for their big day. Personally, I do not know a single friend who paid anything less than $30,000 for their special day. 

Definitely nacho average bride.

Choosing What We Want

I could not see myself spending that much money on a wedding that we did not want. A destination wedding even with airfare and hotel wound up costing a fraction of that price. Not to mention, we received so much for what we spent. For starters, a week-long vacation to Mexico! If you’re concerned about cost I highly recommend visiting with a travel agent who specializes in destination weddings. Often, they can find great deals. These deals almost always include your room free and upgraded. In addition, many resorts will throw in a favorable stipulation such as every fifth room booked is free. 

Our wedding canopy

A friend of mine chose to have her wedding in St. Lucia. Every detail from her rehearsal dinner (which took place on a catamaran during sunset) to a steel drum band to DJ and all of the other components necessary for an unforgettable night cost approximately $12,000 for 45 people. 

All smiles after exchanging vows. 

Destination Wedding Travel

Remember – destination weddings tend to be small because there will be many people who cannot travel in general, or cannot travel on the dates of your big bash. Zika Virus was a concern for many of the young friends we invited. Naturally, you will wind up paying much less than a typical wedding at home with 150 people or more.

My best friend, Amanda, as my maid of honor!
Bride and her maid of honor at the destination wedding
Thinking about when we can join cocktail hour

I was OK with a smaller gathering. Originally, I wanted to elope in Vegas and not even have a wedding. I despise how “goo-goo” women go over their big day. However, 60 people (our total number) is actually a HUGE turn out for a destination wedding! We were so very honored to have all of those people attend. 

Arthur and I with our best man and maid of honor

Making Friends Before the Big Day

By the time our actual wedding reception rolled around, our guests already knew each other. Seriously! All of the guests who were strangers at the beginning of the week as though they had been friends or family forever when our wedding day arrived. I’ve always loved bringing people together. Few things make me as content as being with a big group of my loved ones, especially when they get together is seamless and organic.

Being surrounded by the love of one’s family and friends is so joyous. To have all of those people get along and act so warm and loving toward each other is the ultimate wedding gift. How many opportunities in life will you have to spend a week with so many of the people you know and love? This is hands down one of the best parts of having a destination wedding.

Tip: The night before the wedding I made my guests play “Getting to Know You Bingo” in the hotel lobby. Guests had to find a new person to initial each box that corresponded to their new friend. An example would be, “find someone who has never been to Mexico before” or “find someone who would love to have a tequila shot with you” and “find someone who met the groom in college.” It was way more successful than I ever expected. Each Bingo box gave the guests a way to start a conversation with someone new. I can thank my teaching career for this hit!

Arthur and I as our guests play “getting to know you bingo”

Young, old, it didn’t matter. Everyone got along remarkably. The game was an extraordinary way for every guest to get to the know the other people who were important to us as well!

Week-Long Party

At the end of our wedding, I gave a speech to our guests. As I looked around at the dozens of people who were in attendance, I began to cry. I knew in that moment that there would be few moments in my life going forward that would ever compare to the joy and honor that I felt during that entire week in Mexico. 

A group of girls who are best friends celebrates an impending wedding at the bar at Now Sapphire resort
My girl gang since high school arrived for the party!

So much planning goes into a wedding – nearly a year or two full of effort. I couldn’t stomach the idea of all of that zipping by in a matter of four hours. Instead, we were able to enjoy the company of those we loved most for an entire week. What made it so special is that everyone was so relaxed. 

Our friends enjoying gator watching

Time Together

In a typical wedding, one barely gets to spend time with their guests depending on the number of those in attendance. People travel far and wide, and drop serious money to be acknowledged for maybe a total of ten minutes if they are lucky. Having a week with my guests meant I was able to enjoy quality time with each of them in a way that was not rushed.

Cigar rolling class at the resort

We enjoyed meals together, pool time, and WAY too many evenings shutting down the nightclub. I was out until at least 1:30 in the morning the night before our wedding!

Watching the sunrise after a long night out.

You’re only young once. Few people have the foresight to know that life will change in the near future. I’m glad that in this respect – I am cognizant of that knowledge. Growing up changes things. I knew after my wedding that everyone would continue on with their busy paths in life, and seeing friends would be a special and sporadic occurrence. I made sure to spend every moment of that week to live joyfully in each moment. First thing in the morning each day there would be a mimosa in my hand and a smile on my face! 

Interested in learning about one of the best places to party? Click here. 

60 of our friends and family flew out to Mexico to watch us say “I do”

Vacation for All

People were not only coming to Mexico for our wedding day, it was a vacation for them as well. Our guests spent anywhere from a long weekend to two weeks at the resort. Everyone was able to enjoy all of the activities that the resort had to offer. Some even took day trips and excursions, and that way we’re able to see more of the country. To see the tension melt from the shoulders of my guests who work so hard in their day to day 9-5 jobs was a treat in and of itself.

Double the Honeymoon

Being in Mexico allowed us to feel like we were on a honeymoon for the entire week. Our resort really treated us so special. They gifted us a private romantic dinner right on the beach complete with bottles of wine and an exclusive menu the day after our wedding. We also received a couples massage the following morning! The chance to relax on the beach and let loose in the sun as we celebrated our love was a great way to start a marriage together immediately following our wedding!

Blissfully in love on our wedding day

The best part? We had a real honeymoon to look forward to a few months later!

It Was Just So “Us”

When I look back on our pictures, we couldn’t have done our wedding any other way. Those gargantuan, expensive, flashy weddings were never meant for us. The photos of us in the lush Mexican nature surrounded by bright warm colors just capture who we are as people. The joy in these photos and the joy I have looking back on them makes me feel like I made the right choice. We eat, breathe, and dream about travel constantly.  

A favorite photo of our family and friends.
This backdrop speaks far more true to who we are than a wedding hall would have.

Unique Opportunities

I’ve always been an odd duck. I don’t like to do what everyone else does. By having a destination wedding we had some unique opportunities during the jumping in the pool in our outfits!

I jumped in the pool with my wedding dress on, along with most of our guests and my husband!

Are you considering a destination wedding? Reach out to me if you have questions or need advice! Leave a comment below!

Saying goodnight at the end of our perfect evening

Planning a classic honeymoon to Santorini after your wedding? Check this out. 

14 comment

  • The Travel Architect Friday, March 27th, 2020 06:49 AM

    Weddings are so political, by which I mean the pressure to have a "normal" wedding. Glad you did it your own way.

  • Joe Ankenbauer Friday, March 27th, 2020 15:32 PM

    This is really cool! We've been contemplating a destination wedding, just haven't done. This testimonial may just push us in the right direction! We're thinking of Mexico as well, Glad to see it turned out incredibly beautiful!

    • Stephanie Amb Friday, March 27th, 2020 15:51 PM

      If you need any help or have questions - let me know! Thanks, Joe!

  • Jane Dempster-Smith Friday, March 27th, 2020 18:50 PM

    I love this idea. I also love Mexico it is one of my favourite countries so to combine the two on your special day is just perfect. I can't believe the amount of $$$ spent on weddings in the USA, I guess the same amount is spent here in Sydney Australia. We recently attended a wedding here in Sydney and I guess if you add it all up it would be nearly the same as the USA.

  • Lisa Saturday, March 28th, 2020 04:55 AM

    I’ve been to many destination weddings, so I can relate in this respect. You're so right about the cost, sometimes it's cheaper to do it abroad. I totally agree that it's also a holiday for your guests, and a honeymoon for you. Many congratulations!!

  • Agnes Saturday, March 28th, 2020 05:40 AM

    I like the idea of ​​getting married in a beautiful place and connecting it with the honeymoon. You have such beautiful pictures of the ceremony! Congratulations! Recently when I was in Mexico, I also saw beach wedding ceremonies. It is a great idea, and thanks for sharing interesting and useful tips.

  • Clarice Saturday, March 28th, 2020 14:28 PM

    I love the idea of the destination wedding. I feel that it's more intimate and memorable. Since most guests need to travel, you are not obliged to visit everyone to attend. Also I love the weekly long celebration after.

  • Alexandra Booze Saturday, March 28th, 2020 22:13 PM

    I would love to have a destination wedding! Thanks for the ideas 😍

  • josypheen Saturday, March 28th, 2020 23:53 PM

    Squeee this is all so sweet! It looks like you guys had an amaaazing day (and few weeks all together!!) I am so impressed that so many people joined you for the wedding and holiday! I did the opposite as I'd been living abroad for a few years, so I came home to my village for our wedding. I guess it still was a destination wedding for friends that came from abroad!! ;)

  • Iuliana Marchian Monday, March 30th, 2020 14:32 PM

    Oh, this is so sweet. First of all, congratulations! I wish you to be happy and fully in love for the rest of your lives. It seems that you had a great party and the wedding pictures are absolutely amazing. I wish to have such a beautiful wedding one day, but until then, I first have to find the right guy ...

    • Stephanie Amb Monday, March 30th, 2020 15:37 PM

      Girl, I am a HUGE fan of online dating! Give it a go! It allows you to cut out the BS from the start by making your preferences known from the get go! xoxo

  • Amrita Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 05:22 AM

    Congratulations on your wedding! I am really glad that you had your way on your wedding. I got married 11 years back and we had to do everything as our parents wanted, though we had not been aware of destination weddings back then! Seeing your wedding album, I do wish to get married again, of course with the same person in a place of our choice! Anyways, have a great life ahead!

  • daniel Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 05:58 AM

    Great post!! Congratulation on your wedding, wish you both to have a long and happy married life. Your wedding seems amazing and perfect. I also have a dream of getting married somewhere in a tropical island or something. Small weddings are so much better than big wedding where the bride and groom have immense pressure and take away the actual fun, small wedding gives you the chance to focus on yourself and have as much fun as you can.

  • Parnashree Devi Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 14:58 PM

    What a beautiful article about your destination wedding. I would love to marry again in a destination with bunch of my close friends as my guests. I loved how beautifully you have managed to do everything in Maxico. Its important to spend time with your guest and when you are able to do it while getting married , nothing like that. Absolutely loved reading about it. Big congratulation.


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