Saturday, Oct 05, 2024

Dionis Wine in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria

Dionis Wine in Sunny Beach, Bulgaria

I don’t have a ton to say about this place, and I feel incredibly uncomfortable writing short blog posts. However, I enjoyed this place so much on our trip to Sunny Beach, Bulgaria that I simply had to do a quick little write-up on it, in which I sing its praises.

If you’re ever in the area on vacation, I highly suggest that you check out Dionis Wines.

Cute little place in Bulgaria with great wine selection
Very cute little Bacchanal aesthetic inside of this cute place in Bulgaria!/Courtesy: Dionis Wine
More impressions

If there’s one “meal” that I could eat three times a day, each and every day, it would be charcuterie and wine. A palpable and exciting electricity courses through my body when I find a wine and cheese shop on vacation. Therefore, when we stumbled across Dionis Wines, I nearly tore the door off the hinges trying to get inside.

How absolutely adorable! The aesthetic of the interior has so much Mediterranean charm with elements such as rustic wooden wine barrels and a cute little welcoming, communal, tasting counter. I’m not sure of the owner’s name, but she was unbelievably hospitable, warm, and motherly.

Take your pick of Bulgarian wine!/Courtesy: Dionis Wine

She was very happy to have us in her shop and the wide beaming grin which spread across her lips was a permanent fixture of her face as we browsed around. The woman was so freaking happy that she made US so freaking happy! Pure, infectious, joy! She barely spoke English and we communicated through giggles, grins, and hand gestures. It was the kind of interaction one always hopes for when traveling.

Great wine store in Bulgaria
So many to choose from!/Courtesy: Dionis Wine
It gets better

We were allowed to sample some of her wines and just a few little shots of the stuff had me inebriated to an impressive degree. All of the vinos that we sampled were potent in strength and very robust in flavor. A really hearty and fruity taste. After sampling and browsing, we purchased two bottles of a pomegranate wine, and the best part? The homemade wine comes in plastic bottles! It gave it such an authentic, home style, feel! Knowing that we for sure had to eat given the potency of the stuff, we bought some soft Brie cheese and crackers.

Some of my happiest moments from Bulgaria are sitting on the patio outside of our hotel room, making conversation beneath the twinkling stars, and happily eating our cheese and crackers while getting roaring drunk from the homemade wine. All of this felt very much like a local experience.

Lastly, all of this is to say, please stop in here if you ever get the chance! I’m itching to fly all the way back to Bulgaria just to get back here!

Sitting on our patio drinking homemade wine and eating cheese. Heaven in Bulgaria!

5 comment

  • Anja Monday, May 3rd, 2021 07:51 AM

    Love this! I went to Sunny Beach as a kid and would love to return.. We lived on Bulgarian wine when younger and it\'s not bad!

  • Carol Colborn Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 08:17 AM

    Never thought Bulgaria had a beach...or produced wines. But I am like you. Charcuterie and wine is heaven!

  • bye:myself Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 06:21 AM

    How interesting! I know that people from the former European Eastern Bloc used to travel a lot to Bulgaria for the beaches. And people from the West didn\'t go at all since the service was so poor. Nevertheless, I find that Southeast Europe is very underrated. Hence, one should go there fast before mass tourism kicks in. Then you won\'t get homemade wine anymore, I\'m afraid ;-)

  • Nina Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 11:57 AM

    This is my kind of place! The owner seems absolutely incredible, it makes me want to go visit her. The nerd in me has to also say, I love (assume) how they used Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine, when naming the place!

  • Sage Scott Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 02:31 AM

    Wow, this it the place to go when in Bulgaria! I feel like it would be a great place to go to when you just get there or your last day there! Sounds like some good stuff!


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