Monday, Mar 31, 2025

Oheka Castle Tour Review: Gatsby’s Mansion

Oheka Castle Tour Review: Gatsby’s Mansion

Oheka Castle is a must visit for any die hard fan of the 20s or The Great Gatsby! I wrote an Oheka Castle tour review for anyone thinking of visiting the beautiful Long Island hotel, which is one of the inspirations for Gatsby’s mansion.

Entering and Leaving the 20’s.

On New Year’s Eve, I anticipated the imminent spectacle of the New York City ball drop in the time capsule of Soviet culture that is my in law’s Brooklyn apartment. In Russian, my father-in-law gave a speech about the exciting moments to come in the new year. I looked apprehensively at the shot of vodka in my hand.  I’d had enough olivier and caviar to choke a horse. And yet, my mother in law insisted on walloping heaps of mayonnaise-slathered (albeit delicious) helpings of cuisine onto my gold and white china plate.

I was in a stupor from over indulging in the Russian spread, combined with the inhumane lack of sleep from being a new mom. It left me nearly forgetting that New York, and the entire world, would be welcoming a brand new era at the stroke of midnight. It had seemed, at least according to my Instagram feed, that Americans were beguiled by the possibility of another “roaring 20’s.” My mind conjured up images from The Great Gatsby, a novel I’ve taught dozens of times as an English teacher. 

Champagne, jazz music, flappers, tuxedos, and Gilded Age mansions for housing the aforementioned three. There is a scene where the novel’s narrator, Nick Carraway, forgets about his own birthday. As the ball began to drop and those around me began to count, it dawned on me that as society was ready to welcome the “20’s,” I was days away from preparing to leave my own 20’s behind me. This would be my final year to secure a foundation in life before turning 30, when the “building” of an “adult” life allegedly begins. “Thirty – the promise of a decade of loneliness” is how Nick Carraway describes the impending development of the big 3-0. 

As I prepared to enter the last year of my 20’s, I meditated on Nick Carraway’s feelings towards turning 30.

In many ways, of course, I was not lonely. I noted that I had my husband, both parents, a son, and a small, core group of friends. However, I could not help but reflect on every other birthday celebration of my 20’s. A memory of my 24th birthday in particular stood out. Twenty or more of my friends and I stayed over at the luxurious Standard Hotel. The place boasts floor to ceiling windows – presumably for those with voyeuristic fetishes in mind – housed in Manhattan’s exclusive meatpacking district.

We danced and imbibed in New York City’s hottest night clubs, transported via a behemoth of a party bus. I remember the night as an endless barrage of flower bouquets, free drinks, and a $2,000 bill for dinner, which upon its arrival, I didn’t blink an eye at. What was I to care? It wasn’t me who was paying. I felt like a celebrity that evening. In my mind, I always assumed the throngs of friends I celebrated with would attend every birthday celebration of mine my whole life.

Much like F. Scott Fitzgerald, I found myself unable to cope (even if I only admitted this to myself) that my roaring decade of popularity and evenings out in New York City – the “golden shimmering mirage” – had ended.

As I turned 29, and with 30 looming on the horizon, I made the disheartening realization that I have nowhere near as many friends as I once had a few years ago. Even among the friends that remained close there was no time to celebrate something as trivial as my birthday. My core group of friends were pregnant, closing on houses, moving out of New York, working 16 hour days, and – feeling their own “hot whips of panic” upon nearing 30 – were desperately navigating the dating scene. 

Bleary eyed, in the early morning hours sitting at the school where I teach, I scrolled through Groupon looking for a way to celebrate my special day. Something that did not involve a Bacchanalian evening and the torture of wearing black stiletto heels. It was a half hearted endeavor, I scrolled absent-mindedly just knowing I’d settle for some minor off Broadway performance.

Suddenly my finger abandoned the mouse. My fingers found their way to the dry patches of skin on my lips, as they often do when I’m deep in thought. “Oheka Castle” I mused. An overnight stay at Long Island’s only castle-cum-luxury hotel, one of the inspirations for Gatsby’s mansion. The groupon was my own personal green light on the end of a dock. A signal to “go for it.” My finger hit “purchase.” In a minute or less, I had booked my trip to Oheka Castle.

The story behind my Oheka Castle tour review begins with me scrolling on Groupon like….
Why would someone in my position have an interest in staying at Oheka Castle?

As stated in the aforementioned paragraphs, I am a book nerd and English instructor. As such, it is my duty to fawn ceaselessly over writers of the “lost generation.”  This is a labor of love, for I passionately and intensely love the writers of this era as if I know them personally. The first time I saw Baz Luhrman’s rendition of Gatsby at the movies, I sobbed.

The beauty and grandeur of the era belonged to those of the past, and I would never experience it for myself. Oheka Castle was in large part a source of inspiration for The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald visited the chateau with Zelda while living on that “riotous slender island.” In its heyday of the 1920s, Oheka Castle hosted lavish cocktail parties, the kind Fitzgerald sought inspiration in for his great American classic. The place was the muse for Jay Gatsby’s mansion.

A family psoes for a photo with the backdrop of Oheka Castle, the inspiration for the mansion in the Great Gatsby
Time travelers in front of Oheka Castle, the muse for Gatsby’s mansion.

Otto Herman Kahn was the original owner of the home. He was a banker and philanthropist, as well as a contemporary and competitor of JP Morgan. In addition, he was the inspiration for the Monopoly man (as if his resume was not impressive enough) at least according to the lovely tour guides at the estate. The castle stands on a 443 acre plot in Cold Spring Hills neighborhood of Huntington, NY; its construction cost over 100 million dollars in today’s currency.

Needless to say, Kahn possessed an unfathomable type of wealth.

It’s not possible to overstate the gargantuan size of the estate. In fact, the 109,000 square foot estate was twice the size of the White House. Unlike the White House, Kahn and his family did not live in the 127 room home full time. Oheka Castle, the second largest private residence in all of the United States, was merely Kahn’s summer residence. It happened to host a number of royal figures, politicians, and celebrities at its glamorous parties in the 1920’s. Chaplin, Gershwin, and the Folly girls all indulged in the opportunities for fun provided at the estate, such as ballroom dancing and swimming.

Portrait of Otto Khan, the creator of Oheka, which was the inspiration used by F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby
Portrait of Otto Kahn – original owner and creator of the estate. Original fireplace is pictured as well.

Just a few short years after the stock market crash, Kahn died of a heart attack in 1934. Not wanting to maintain the upkeep of the property, his widow sold the estate to none other than the New York City Mayor at the time, Fiorella La Guardia. Under his care, it became a retreat for sanitation workers and their families who were only expected to pay $1.00 per day of retreat. 

The building came into the hands of the Merchant Marines during World War Two for radio operating school afterwards. Then, it became a military training school. Due to the resistance of the Vietnam War, enrollment plummeted at the school, and so it was closed.

Oheka Castle remained entirely abandoned and fell to the whims and delights of local vandals and thieves.

Gary Melius, a developer and contractor, was undoubtedly inspired by those with an interest in preserving the castle’s history. He bought the property and the 23 acres surrounding it.

In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby sincerely believes that his love from five years ago (Daisy) will abandon her high society husband (Tom) for a man she hasn’t seen nor loved for five years (Gatsby) after reuniting at Nick Carraway’s house. The consensus is largely that he is delusional. When seeing photographs of Oheka Castle after years of vandalism, arson, and theft there were undoubtedly throngs of skeptics who wondered if Melius plans for restoration were not entirely as delusional as Gatsby’s own dream.

The post apocalyptic edifice would have been better suited as a shooting location for The Walking Dead. However, both Gatsby and Melius carried “infinite hope” and saw the boundless possibilities of a dream that seemed to many to be utterly unattainable. However, Melius was also equipped with something that Gatsby never had, yet desperately needed: a plan and professional help.

Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby in the Great Gatsby 2013 film

Melius and his team of historians and researchers used photographs, salvageable relics from the mansion, and original architectural drawings to bring Oheka Castle to its former splendor and to maintain its historical authenticity.

Quote from the 2013 film The Great Gatsby
Today, Oheka functions as a wedding venue (notably, one of the Jonas brother’s choice of location.)

A plethora of movies (such as Citizen Kane) and television shows have been filmed at the estate, including HBO’s new thriller Succession. A dizzying list of celebrities have visited the castle and filmed music videos on its premises, including Taylor Swift for her Blank Space shoot. Beyond all of this Oheka Castle is a luxury destination for anyone looking to fulfill their dreams of living like the Buchanons.

Wedding reception area

The long driveway to the castle is lined with an impressive array of sizeable and perfectly trimmed trees which seem to brush against the sky. This is where most visitors start to gain awareness that this is not merely a “hotel.” However, the first view of Oheka Castle undoubtedly casts a feeling of awe and surprise on any first time guest’s spirit – this is where the transformation to another time period entirely really begins.

On first thought, it would not at all be outlandish for one to rub their eyes and wonder if they were actually on a trip to France’s Loire Valley and not, in fact, on a weekend getaway to Long Island, New York.

Guests should prepare to become an instant VIP upon their immediate arrival to Oheka Castle. Instantaneously, uniformed staff begin radioing of one’s arrival to each other quickly. I was surprised to have my car door opened for me and my luggage immediately being taken off my hands and transported to my quarters.

I teetered unsteadily in a smart pair of pumps across the gray cobble stones and took a moment to look at the many windows and chateau style peaks which top the castle. The style of Oheka Castle’s roof helps give the castle a fairy tale look. When undergoing renovation, Melius and his team used the exact company that Kahn’s crew had used when building the roof. After marveling at the exterior architecture, prepare to step back in time. 

Photo showcasing the Gatsby themed architecture of Oheka Castle
The Great Gatsby mansion brought to life

The magnitude of the foyer’s grandeur is so lavish, that one nearly feels a small level of paralyzing chagrin. I was met with a grand horseshoe shaped marble staircase. It swept out from both sides of a large door adorned on either side by statues of women doing their best to hold large candelabra over their heads. From the door, both sides of the staircase sweep down toward a landing where a marble bench is placed. Past the landing, the sweeping of the staircase continues onto the main floor. The artistic railing which lines the stairs is entirely wrought iron.

The inspiration for this staircase came from the famed Fontainebleu of France.

The entrance door swung shut behind us. It sent a rippling echo of sound up to the church-like high ceilings. The ceilings hold some impressive pieces of artwork, two windows the size of mattresses on either side of the staircase, and an ornate and prodigious chandelier over the staircase, which looks like it would be able to crush an entire group of guests should it fall.  If there is any traveler who has ever wanted to step into Gatsby’s mansion or any F Scott Fitzgerald novel – this is the place.  

The grand horse shoe shaped staircase as guests enter the front door of Oheka Castle on Long Island is very gatsby themed
The grand staircase which greets guests at Oheka Castle

Our chateau category room at Oheka Castle came equipped with the most comfortable bed known to humankind. The ceilings were gold plated, and the fireplace gave an aesthetically rustic and historic feel to the room. Our son slept in bed with us all night (go ahead – judge me.) The next morning, I came to regret that decision.

Allow me to briefly jump ahead to the following morning. Henry lay playing on the floor with my husband early in the morning. As I lay in bed, I got the feeling that I was not alone – that something had gone terribly amiss. I felt terrified. I knew there was something in my bed and it took a ton of courage to finally look. And then – I had a real life Goodfella’s moment.

I lifted up the comforter and screamed bloody murder.

Not a horse’s head, something worse. Baby shit. Everywhere. No idea how it happened. I can still smell it as I write this. I had to scrub every single inch of it out of the sheets and the mattress topper. Honestly, my biggest fear was that the hotel would see the stains and assume it was my grown ass husband and I who committed the crime. That is something that I SIMPLY COULD NOT ALLOW TO HAPPEN. AND, I can’t believe I’m writing all of this for people to read. But, (butt HA) it’s the truth, and I must share it. I am forever traumatized. I used my bare hands guys. I’m like Lady Macbeth…but with baby crap. (Want more cringe-worthy embarrassing tales? Try looking here).

For dinner we were seated in the quirky “Chaplin room.”

An upscale room, where intimate conversations took place among couples and a family celebrating an anniversary. The room is painted entirely in red and has no less than DOZENS of photographs and posters of Charlie Chaplin from all around the world. Khan was a fan of the silent picture star, and he even visited the mansion. Thus, when the chateau was resurrected, it was decided that one of the dining rooms would be named after the 1920’s star.

I just had to talk about the restaurant’s amazing food in my Oheka Castle tour review. I ordered the Long Island specialty of duck breast in fig and port wine sauce, with a side of the creamiest wild mushroom risotto. It was well worth the price tag and then some. A side of a few glasses of rose’ didn’t hurt either. When dining at the castle, everyone is treated to bread with a side of gorgonzola cheese sauce for dipping. Move over fondue, you have met a far more decadent and elevated match!

Dinner in the Chaplin Room.
No one writing an Oheka Castle tour review can leave out the food! Long Island duck, kale, rose’, and the creamiest risotto in the world. Long Island duck, kale, rose’, and the creamiest risotto in the world.
Henry is significantly better at fine dining. I mean….look at that stance.
Obviously a top notch visualization of our evening together.
After dinner, we moved onto cocktails in the library.

The library features one of the three remaining original fireplaces in the mansion, and all of the remaining details are authentic to original plans. Having had a prior residence destroyed by fire, Kahn sought to have his entire mansion made as fireproof as possible. The “wooden” walls are actually not wooden at all – but drawn to look like wood with a fire safe material underneath!

Relaxing after dinner.
My kind of party ambiance.
Getting all crafty with that bottom up angle!
The morning after we indulged in a feast.

Oheka offers the best continental breakfast that I’ve ever seen included at a hotel stay. Pastries, fruit, Greek yogurt, and bagels were all up for the taking. The tea bar offered a dizzying array of variety and I found my new favorite brand – Stash tea! It is beyond my creative limits to try and imagine what it might be like to eat breakfast in such a regal setting. I’m sure, however, that I could get used to being waited on hand and foot every day.

Continental Breakfast with bagels, pastries, yogurt, tea, and apple juice at Oheka Castle on Long Island
I had to include the amazing food in my Oheka Castle tour review. Diet starts tomorrow.
Tea station in grand ballroom with giant painting above at Oheka Castle on Long Island
Tea Bar! I can only imagine what the spread was like in Gatsby’s mansion in the novel
Breakfast in grand ballroom at Oheka Castle on Long Island with giant painting in background
One of these is a lie: A – I brushed my hair the morning of this photo. B- I look exactly like Kate Middleton in her castle in this photo.

The part of the trip which makes my soul burst with joy – I found the hidden indoor pool. The pool is hidden in the basement behind a heavy black door and would not have been easy to find.

Hidden black door to hidden pool at Oheak Castle on Long Island
Would you ever think a hidden pool was behind this door?!
Indoor pool with black and white tile on Long Island at Oheka Castle
A hauntingly beautiful sight that I just had to include in my Oheka Castle tour review
Paranormal investigators did a stake out in the room a few weeks prior to our visit, and it’s no wonder why.

I still feel chills looking at these photographs. Despite being the only person in the room I truly could feel as though the spirits within Gatsby’s mansion, all of his roaring 20’s party guests, were all around me. I had the thought that one might accidentally push me in. It was the eeriest, most awe inspiring moment of my life. 

Indoor pool with black and white tile on Long Island at Oheka Castle, the inspiration used for the Great Gatsby
Absolutely chilling. However, imagine the parties that must have gone on in here, just like the parties in Gatsby’s mansion!
Guests visiting the Long Island mansion have the option for taking a tour without staying over.

However, staying overnight at the hotel gives guests a free guided tour the next morning. We were able to learn an extensive amount of history about both the original owner, the new owner, and all of the history in between. 

I am NOT one of those people who believes it’s adorable when kids misbehave. Henry was incredibly well behaved. However, at one point he giggled while our tour guide was speaking. She remarked, “if it gets to be too much for us, I’ll let you know.” I personally didn’t think his transgression was disturbing, but considering the comment, I took him out of the room while my husband took notes. 

Selfie with baby in mirror at Oheka Castle on Long Island
Sun shining through the office room at Oheka Castle on Long Island
Upon his death, Kahn was laid here for his wake before being taken to his final resting place.
Fire place with picture hanging over it at Oheka Castle on Long Island, one of the inspirations used for Gatsby's mansion
A Gatsby themed 1920's detailed bathroom with clawfoot tub at Oheka Castle on Long Island
I need to believe that this was exactly what the tub in Gatsby’s mansion looked like.
Grand ballroom with Gatsby themed chandeliers, paintings, and tables at Oheka Castle on Long Island
The room where (originally) large gatherings and events were held. Plenty of room to Charleston!
1920s, Gatsby themed dining room as tour explores Oheka Castle on Long Island
Giant bridal suite at Oheka Castle on Long Island has Gatsby themed decor and 1920s style
When Fitzgerald wrote about Gatsby’s mansion and how he had his own “home” within his castle, I could never understand or conceive of what that looked like. Now, I get it!
Oheka Castle Tour Review

What is perhaps most surprising about Oheka is that given its vastness and sprawling design, it feels cozy and intimate. It is not too difficult to get the feel of one’s (albeit extraordinarily large) home, rather than a frigid, marble slabbed mausoleum. I think it is entirely possible that Gatsby felt totally fine living in his mansion alone before Daisy.

The staff are professional, but approachable. By Sunday morning, we already knew many of the workers. Many who would call my son, Henry, by name, play with him, and even offered to rock him to sleep. In his mission statement, Gary Melius hopes to impart a familial and welcoming feeling to each of his guests. He has undoubtedly succeeded. So often a luxury setting can be anything but relaxing. One constantly has to consider if they are behaving, speaking, and eating in a way that exudes class and conveys a sense of deserving to be staying at a five star establishment. Oheka combines old world luxury with the added benefit of genuinely allowing visitors to let their shoulders down.


Busts and painting found outside of our hotel room at Oheka Castle on Long Island, the inspiration for the Great Gatsby
The decor outside of our hotel room
The 2020’s will very certainly not be anything like the 1920’s – sorry to disappoint.

My 30’s will more than likely not be anything like my 20’s. Change is inevitable and we should welcome it as warmly as Gary and his staff welcome their travelers. After all, we do not want to be entirely like Gatsby, retreating ceaselessly into the past, clinging to dreams that have long since fleeted, and being unable to move forward. There is much to look forward to…

Gatsby themed dining room with chandelier in Oheka Castle on Long Island
Some of the sights I saw and just had to include in my Oheka Castle tour review. Imagine this being your own personal dining space?
standing by a giant mural in the Oheka Castle on Long Island, the inspiration for Gatsby's mansion
I think 29 will be a great year for me. We can only wait and see!

In the words, once more, of Nick Carraway “tomorrow we will run faster [and] stretch our arms out farther…”  Enjoyed reading my Oheka Castle tour review and ready to see the place for yourself? Book your own tour or overnight stay here.

13 comment

  • Brian Saturday, February 1st, 2020 16:32 PM

    Looks like a really good birthday stay, aside from the poop and rude tour guide! And it's good that you are trying to embrace the change of moving into your 30s. It certainly isn't the same as being in your 20s but that's a good thing. With age comes wisdom, and while friends may change, I have found that it's been a good thing!

  • Maria Elsa Jose Saturday, February 1st, 2020 21:59 PM

    I would definitely include this on my bucket list. Thanks for the learning.

  • Bright Lights of America Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 09:18 AM

    Wow. Just wow. The grandeur, the sheer size of Oheka Castle, the fact that you can stay there... it's blowing my mind a little. My own experience with "the 30s" is that I still feel like I'm in my 20s, and I'm more than halfway through the next "decade". Being a grown up adult is overrated anyway ;) A very happy birthday to you!

  • dianamiaus Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 14:58 PM

    Bucket list material! It looks like a memorable stay. Thank you for sharing!

  • The Travel Architect Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 20:24 PM

    That staircase!!!!

  • Sage Scott Monday, February 3rd, 2020 21:39 PM

    "The inhumane lack of sleep from being a new mom." Oh, girl! My first were twins. And even though they're now adults, that exhaustion STILL haunts me! So glad you got to enjoy such an amazing place!

  • The Solivagant Soul Saturday, February 8th, 2020 02:53 AM

    First, don't worry about your 30s, they are going to be the best decade of your life. Second, I could not agree more with you, it does seem like you flew to France in a second to go visit Oheka. And loved the storytelling behind your visit and your link with so many films and videos. It does seem like one of these places that you have seen many times and have gotten to know but you never know where it is exactly. Thanks for sharing!

  • juleenmeetsworld Sunday, February 9th, 2020 16:59 PM

    Don't put tooooo much pressure on yourself to achieve everything before you turn 30. I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

  • Just One Passport Friday, March 6th, 2020 10:15 AM

    Great post! I have always wanted to stay in a castle and always thought that I would have to go to europe. I had no idea that there was one in New York.

  • SherianneKay Friday, March 6th, 2020 21:39 PM

    Such an amazing way to spend your birthday, minus the surprise in the bed... which I would not have cleaned up! It's hard to believe this property was once abandoned

  • Erica Saturday, March 7th, 2020 15:00 PM

    Wow! What an incredible experience. I had no idea this castle existed and in the US! Your photos are incredible. I'm a lit nerd as well, so I appreciate this post and your experience (and am quite jealous). PS- I've read Z and loved it! I hope you enjoyed it as well.

  • Yukti Sunday, March 8th, 2020 04:25 AM

    I love to stay at historic places which has some interesting stories behind their past. I never knew about Oheka castle and its association with many historic activities like a school after WWII, a military training school and when it was closed, it became destination of vandals and thieves. Also the fireproof walls though looking wooden makes the library very cozy and with full of warmth.

  • Michelle Monday, March 9th, 2020 12:55 PM

    I live the story that you told while writing this piece. We try to stay in historical places anytime we can and you just have us another to add to our list!


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